If you are frustrated with the development of fine lines and wrinkles on your skin, you are not alone. It is key to remember that you have options for resolving these concerns. Botox, a popular dermal injectable, could diminish these concerns to leave you with a younger, more relaxed, and more well-rested look.
Botox is injectable, so surgery is not required, and side effects are minimal. Botox in Spring Valley temporarily relaxes the facial muscles that cause wrinkles, particularly in the forehead and around the eyes. Dr. Rachel Mason and our team at Perspectives Plastic Surgery could help you assess whether you are an ideal candidate for Botox and implement the treatment to achieve a more youthful look.
What Is Botox?
Botox is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Its scientific name is botulinum toxin, and it works by temporarily weakening or paralyzing to the muscles that cause wrinkles. Even though it is a toxin, it has been proven safe when used correctly by doctors in small doses. In addition to minimizing wrinkles, Botox can be used to relieve migraines, excessive sweating, bladder disorder, and eyelid spasms.
Are You A Good Candidate For Botox?
If you live in Spring Valley and are considering Botox, you may have some questions. The FDA has approved Botox for use around the eyes and on the forehead – in particular, the glabellar lines (those vertical lines between your eyebrows) and crow’s feet (often called smile lines around the eyes.) Some patients also request injections for horizontal creases on the forehead, lines at the corners of the mouth, and on the chin. Botox works best on wrinkles that are caused by muscular contractions, so some other wrinkles may benefit from a different dermal injectable.
The Botox Procedure
Botox is a toxin, but when it is administered by a healthcare professional in Spring Valley, the procedure is safe and effective. When you meet with Dr. Mason, she can determine the best injection sites and the correct number of injections for your situation. The best approach for you is usually determined by the extent of the wrinkles, your facial features, the location of the injections, and your desired results.
During the procedure, a very thin needle is used to inject small amounts of Botox into specific muscles. The process is typically quick, usually finished within thirty minutes or less. You can usually expect to see results within one to three days, but some patients might need up to 5 days to start noticing enhancements. It is key to remember that the results of Botox are temporary, typically lasting around three to four months.
What Are The Side Effects Of Botox?
Because Botox is injected and surgery is not needed, the amount of risk is minimal. Generally, most people tolerate the injections and experience little to no side effects. However, some patients have experienced some minor issues, including:
- Mild pain, swelling, or redness at or around the injection site
- Numbness at the treatment location
- Dry eye or temporary eyelid drooping
- Headache
- Temporary weakness in muscles close to the injection site
You should not consider Botox if you have ever experienced sensitivity or allergic reaction to it or have ever had an infection at the injection site. During your consultation, discussing any questions or concerns with Dr. Mason is key to making sure that this procedure is right for you.
Contact Dr. Mason About Botox In Spring Valley
If that wrinkle in the middle of your forehead makes you look angry or you are tired of dealing with stubborn crow’s feet, Botox may be for you. If you are not ready for surgery, Botox is a great way to start your journey to smoother, better-looking skin and fewer wrinkles. Schedule a consultation for Botox in Spring Valley to get started. Dr. Mason can answer your questions and help you understand what to expect from your treatment.