What Do Eyelid Surgery Scars Look Like?

What Do Eyelid Surgery Scars Look Like

The idea of eyelid surgery scars can sometimes scare individuals into not getting this surgery — even if they desperately need or want it.

Don’t let this be you. Understand what to expect when it comes to eyelid scars after surgery. Know the ways we can help treat your incision sites for smooth and invisible scar healing after blepharoplasty.

Scar Appearance After Cosmetic Surgery

Plastic surgeons take a great care to reduce the appearance of scars after surgery. After all, most cosmetic surgery patients come in seeking an improvement in their appearance, so they naturally don’t want a lot of visible scarring.

With this in mind, most cosmetic surgery scars will be as small as possible. Right after surgery, they will be slightly raised and will appear bright pink or red. As time goes on, this color will change to a lighter pink or mauve color, and the scars will begin to flatten out.

Finally, after several years, scars should fade to match more of your natural skin tone. With help from silicone scar gels, scar creams, and massage (in some cases), scars should lie flat.

What Do Upper Eyelid Surgery Scars Look Like?

Upper eyelid surgery scars are generally placed within the natural crease in the upper eyelid. A small incision is made in this location, and then, your plastic surgeon will remove excess fat and skin before closing the incision.

The same incision pattern tends to be used during ptosis repair for drooping upper eyelid skin as well. These small lines in the natural eyelid creases will almost always heal very well and flatten out over time.

As a side note, there is an additional upper eyelid surgery called double eyelid surgery, which is often performed on individuals of Asian descent to create a crease in the upper eyelid. It is also sometimes called Asian double eyelid surgery. This surgery will also create double eyelid surgery scars, which will be located in the new natural eyelid crease in the upper eyelid.

What Do Lower Eyelid Surgery Scars Look Like?

Incisions for lower blepharoplasty surgery are typically made just below the lower lash line. Your surgeon will then remove any excess skin or fat before closing the incisions. This is delicate eyelid skin, but it tends to heal very well — just as with upper blepharoplasty and upper eyelid scars.

Caring for Scars After Eyelid Surgery

Double Eyelid Surgery ScarsAfter any type of cosmetic surgery, your plastic surgeon will go over scar care with you. For eyelid scars, this tends to mean following the aftercare instructions you receive from your surgeon for the healing process, not touching your eyes or the eye area excessively, and using scar cream when cleared to do so.

During your blepharoplasty recovery, be sure to keep your incision areas clean and dry, sleep with your head elevated, and use ice to reduce swelling and discomfort (if your surgeon recommends it).

Having extremely visible scars after blepharoplasty is rare. Eyelid surgeries tend to create minimal scarring and not much scar tissue. Sometimes after this surgical procedure, scars aren’t even visible at all.

FAQ: Eyelid Surgery

How much is eyelid surgery?

As with all cosmetic procedures, eyelid surgery cost varies. You will need to pay your surgeon’s fee in addition to costs associated with the surgical facility (or hospital) where you have your operation, anesthesia, and aftercare expenses. Book a consultation appointment for this cosmetic procedure to learn more about the cost of surgery.

Do I need eyelid surgery or a brow lift?

Patients often confuse eyelid surgery with brow lift surgery. Some patients even confuse eyelid surgery with face and neck lift surgery. In fact, each of these three procedures should be used in different situations.

As the name indicates, eyelid surgery only focuses on the upper and/or lower eyelids. A brow lift can lift the upper eyelids too, but the real focus is on lifting the actual brow line.

Finally, a face and neck lift will lift the entire face to create a more youthful look overall. In achieving this, the brows and eyelids can be lifted slightly, but note that the real goal of a face and neck lift is the entire face as well as the neck and jawline area.

Who are the best candidates for eyelid surgery?

Candidates for any type of plastic surgery need to be in good physical health with realistic expectations regarding the outcome of their procedure. You should be a non-smoker and not have any medical issues or conditions that may cause problems during your operation or eyelid surgery recovery time.

If you want to know how to qualify for eyelid surgery, please contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment.

Make Your Consultation Appointment Today

Eyelid Scars After SurgeryDon’t let the idea of blepharoplasty scars scare you. Although the eyelid skin is delicate and it is absolutely crucial to care for your incision sites meticulously after surgery, with a great plastic surgeon, close attention to detail, and patience, we expect that most patients will have a fully satisfactory outcome with little to no visible scarring on their lids.

To book your consultation appointment and finally get rid of that excess skin and fat around your eyes, please contact our office today and book a consultation appointment with board certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Rachel Mason.



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